Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in the criticism, try to learn from it. Otherwise let it roll right off you.
Hillary Clinton

Ethos and Values

At Heath Mount Primary School, we want our pupils to be happy, safe and successful in becoming confident and independent learners.

We pride ourselves on being an inclusive community where everyone is made to feel welcome and valued.

We aim to:

  • Foster a sense of belonging, enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning within a supportive community.

  • Provide a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum, enabling opportunities for children to develop both essential skills as well as healthy attitudes towards learning.

  • Provide a safe, caring and happy environment where every child is valued regardless of race, religion, gender or disability.

  • Encourage awareness of the school as a community within the wider community we serve.

  • Maximise the partnership potential between home and school by valuing the contribution both make towards the development of our pupils.

  • Celebrate their achievements.

  • Encourage children to accept personal responsibility for their own behaviour and to be caring and sensitive towards the needs of others and the environment. 

Alongside Excelsior’s Cornerstones of School Development 


  • Succeeding together
  • Ensuring quality for all
  • Engaging learning
  • Aspiring from the start

 All staff, parents and children are expected to reflect the principles of our values at all times. These are:

     Ready, Respectful and Safe